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MMKamp'14 workpage

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Multimedia camp 2014 is an international camp with the transdisciplinary strategies focusing on the theme “Future Environments”. MMKamp'14 is two months extended/hybrid cultural event, situated in rural area of Croatia, near the city of Gračac, in region of Lika.

During July and August 2014 artist in residence, workshops, Hackatron un-conference, ad-hoc and self initiated events will take place all connected to the areas of technology, ecology, society, environment, renewable energy, digital commons and recycling.

Most dense events time is second part of August where uconference agenda will be shaped and confirmed by the attendees at the beginning of the event. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a related topic can claim a time and a space. Workshops, presentations, brainstorming, impro-session, all is welcomed.

An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. The term “unconference” has been applied, or self-applied, to a wide range of gatherings that try to avoid one or more aspects of a conventional conference, such as high fees, sponsored presentations, and top-down organization. (

The event is free of charge. There will be tents or commons sleeping place to rent for ones without their own tent. Food will be prepared on site with consciousness and will be sold at fair prices. Internet is provided with satellite conection, but don't expect 24 h connection. El. energy is provided by solar panelsmwith limits to its use. Be aware that August nights in Lika are quiet cold even when summer days tend to have heat over 30 degrees.

The more careful ones might be worried of the black widows and horned vipers. Don't worry, we wont invite them.


LIKA - Deringaj, nature, cca. 10 km from Gračac. Gračac is biggest city district in the Croatia, with smallest population count on square kilometre. It has beautiful and untouched nature, clean and fresh water springing all around.

The camp is near Graćac in Croatia.



From Gračac you go north the D1 street to Zagreb until the restaurant Zagi in Deringaj. There you have to take the unpaved road to the left or you follow the walking track over the hills (walking distance is about 20 minutes from the restaurant, here is the GPS track

Coming with train

Gračac has a train station with a few trains per day and one in the night from Split and Zagreb. The train station is 10 km away, so call 00 385 95 81 444 15 for pick up.

Coming with airoplane

The closest airport is Zadar.

Coming with car or bike

from Zagreb direction: pass Zagi restaurant and drive for another kilometre. You will see a bus stop on your left and a unpaved road that goes from the beginning fo that bus stop. Take that for 400 meters, cross the wooden bridge and another 50 meters turn left into the MMK field.

From Gračac: go direction Zagreb, pass by Lost Theory festival therein on your left, pass by entrance to Deringaj village on your left, drive for few kilometres until old bus stop. At the end of bus stop there is unpaved road to your right. Take that for 400 meters, cross the wooden bridge and another 50 meters turn left into the MMK field.

photos of the area


MMKamp has all-summer flexible dates between 01st July to 01st September 2014.

(Un)defined dates:

01th - 07th July - building up the camp, artist residency.

9th - 20th July - visit to Silba island for Culture Summer of Silba.

08th - 26th August - artist residency

19th - 24th Aug - Hackaton/Future Environments un-conferences

19th - 24th Aug - Recycled Art Dome

26th to 31st August - de-constructing of the camp


Only electricity we will harvest is the one we can produce. For now two 250 w panels and two 180 Ah batteries can be used. This means not so many online hours and only few soldering irons and even less soldering guns.

If you have any sort of electricity production kits bring them with you.


Satellite internet packages are 10 Gb and over 20 download. With such a quick connection everyone has a tendency to download a lot. But if we do that after 10 Gb we will not be able to anything at all. So we will install donation box, for those who want to download a lot, pls. do consider paying a boost package.


19.-21. 08. Astronomy Nights - see moon, Saturn and supernovas up close, from safe distance of Deringaj.

Hackathon 'Suptilne tehnologije – bio-elektroničke dimenzije

UKE, Mobile Art Dome workshops

14th - 25th August - Free Traveling Radio - pirate radio

25 July - 26 August - Renewable Sources - water, sun, wind

16th - 26th August - RAD - Recycled Art Dome - recycling/upcycling

18th - 24th August - Future Environments un-conference

8h Yoga

10h meeting

12 individual workshops, presentations, talks, walks..

18h meeting

20h yoga


Zadar Snova: i

ISTOK (Osijek)


Skupa-Aktivno-Lakše (Centar za istraživanja, edukacije i cjeloživotno obrazovanje):


DIY sanitarije (wc, tuš, fridge...)

DIY fridge (food preservation)
living of the grid
mmkamp_14_workpage.txt · Last modified: 07/08/2014 12:14 by admin